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This page is awaiting the result of consultation between KSZ and our official mentor, Cantor Michel Laloum (UPJ mo'etzah)
In the meantime, here are some links to our umbrella organisations - and other progressive congregations in Victoria:
UPJ (Union of Progressive Judaism)
PJV (Progressive Judaism Victoria)
Temple beth israel, St Kilda, Melbourne
Leo Baeck Centre, East Kew, Melbourne
etz chayim, Bentleigh, Melbourne
kedem, Armadale, Melbourne
and a school:
King David School
and for those who favour a blend of orthodox and progressive practice, there is a conservative congregation in Caulfield North, Melbourne: kehilat nitzan.

The Days of Awe

We affirm the importance of the Days of Awe (yamim nora’im), comprising rosh hashanah (“New Year”) and yom kippur (“Day of Atonement”), devoted to deep reflection, repentance and spiritual renewal.


The three Pilgrimage Festivals

We affirm the importance of the ‘Three Pilgrimage Festivals’, comprising pesach (‘Passover’), shavu’ot (‘Pentecost’) and sukkot (‘Tabernacles’) followed by simchat torah (‘Rejoicing in the torah’), celebrating freedom, revelation and joy.


Chanukkah and other days of celebration and mourning


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