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Saturday, 23 April  2016, Bendigo.


As in 2015, a get-together in a hotel in Bendigo to celebrate the second night of pesach (Passover)




2020-02-08 KSZ nature service 1.JPG
2020-01-26 BIC interfaith service Newste
2020-03-08 KSZ purim party and Winston a
Our regular February interfaith service under the trees at Malmsbury Botanical Gardens


David Kram (President) represented KSZ at an interfaith service at Newstead Uniting Church 


(Left) Party atmosphere at Purim-themed party in Castlemaine




2019-08-31 DK and torah.JPG
KSZ President Dr David Kram
with torah scroll



The 2018 model seder in a hall in Castlemaine attracted over thirty people to enjoy fellowship, food and the charismatic leadership of KSZ's consulting rabbi, Cantor Michel Laloum.



2017-02-11 Rabbi Keren-Black leads Natur
2017-12-04 Rabbi Fred Morgan and Sue.JPG
2017-12-04 Fred Morgan shabbat group.JPG

Rabbi Fred Morgan (Union of Progressive Judaism) with his wife Sue, and group picture of shabbat service in Castlemaine, December 2017, led by Rabbi Morgan. 

Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black leading interfaith service in Malmsbury, February 2017


Torah service and study session

November 2016, Castlemaine. Cantor Michel Laloum, from Temple Beth Israel led a service and study session on the torah. The one pictured is a historic sephardic torah scroll. Cantor Laloum is KSZ's designated mentor from  the Union of Progressive Judaism's mo'etzah, or rabbinic council.

Shavuot in a country home 2016

Dr Linda Stern from Melbourne's Leo Baeck Centre  led workshops and services based on shavuot in 2015 and 2016 in a delightful home in Chewton, near Castlemaine. Linda is at right of picture.

Nature Celebration - interfaith

February 2016, Malmsbury Botanic Gardens. A beautiful coming together of different faith groups, including children, under  a cedar and a cyprus tree. The food was of KSZ's usual high standard.


Click here for the program of the service.


Sukkot - interfaith

October, 2015. A lovely home in the country, an elevated terrace, perfect surroundings for an interfaith sukkot service.  In this photo - Heri Febryanto and his wife, representing Bendigo's Islamic community, with KSZ President Dr David Kram at centre.


Click here for the program of that day.

Seder - pesach 2015 and 2016

KSZ booked a room at a hotel in Bendigo for seder 2015 and 2016. They were very accommodating to our special needs, with KSZ Committee members providing the traditional foodstuffs and materials. In 2015 we were privileged to welcome Rabbi Fred Morgan to lead. Rabbi Morgan is at the left of the picture, with his wife at his side. In 2016 founding Chairman Howard Nathan led the proceedings.

Judaism Environment workshop February 2015

Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black is not only  the charismatic leader of the Leo Baeck congregation in Melbourne, he is also an active, respected environmentalist. In February 2015, in Bendigo, after leading a havdalah ceremony, he gave an inspiring talk about Judaism and the environment. Here is Jonathan alongside his wife Susan. 

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