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kehillat s’dot zahav  is a Progressive Jewish congregation operating in the Central Goldfields area of the State of Victoria, Australia. It was founded in 2007 by its first President, retired Supreme Court judge The Hon. Howard Nathan QC along with a small group of interested parties. KSZ became an incorporated association in that year.
Since then, this small community has had a number of services and celebrations in people’s homes and community halls. This includes shabbat, pesach and chanukah services as well as discussion groups and rituals such as ceremonial liturgical book burials. In addition, members of KSZ, especially Howard Nathan, have been called upon by statutory bodies to advise on Jewish matters in places such as hospitals and on committees such as the City of Bendigo’s Interfaith Committee.
KSZ is a 'nascent' congregation within umbrella organisations Progressive Judaism Victoria and Union of Progressive Judaism.
All who have any connection with KSZ area are welcome to come to events.
Just email above. 



History vignette

In 2014, KSZ organised a talk on Judaism and the Environment, a talk on religious music, and shabbat services, a seder,shavuot and sukkot celebrations and a progressive service and discussion at the Ballarat Synagogue, courtesy of the Ballarat Hebrew Congregation. KSZ was privileged to welcome as event leaders Rabbi Konathan Keren-Black, Rabbi Fred Morgan, Ms Karen Rosauer and Dr Linda Stern.

  1. To provide, cater for and nurture the religious and cultural life of those Jews, or those who identify with Judaism, who live, work, or have familial connection with the City of Greater Bendigo or its contiguous shires of the State of Victoria;

  2. To provide educational support for children of the above;

  3. To celebrate Jewish life and culture within the above area;

  4. As far as possible to ensure that Jewish life cycle events such as b’nei mitzvot, b’rit milah, marriage chuppot, Aufruf and smichot of all kinds be observed within the above area;

  5. To provide material comfort to Jews and all those in distress or need;

  6. To assist institutions in the area which provide comfort to all those people in the area who are in need, whether material or spiritual;

  7. Affiliate with the Union of Progressive Judaism and Progressive Judaism Victoria;

  8. To liaise and co-operate with those in the area who seek an understanding of Judaism;

  9. To promote the causes of Judaism as revealed in the torah, namely tikkun olam – the repair of the world. “And Justice, Justice shall you pursue.”

Statement of Purposes

© 2015-2016 Copyright kehillat s'dot zahav

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